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10 Most Beautiful Words to Pronounce

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

Writer and globe-trotting mom Anjali Chawla is fascinated with travel and learning about different world cultures. Every place she visits “makes its own little abode in her heart.” She is also a logophile – a lover of exquisite and unusual words. Here are some words she’s learned on her travels that she thinks are the most beautiful, both in meaning and in sound, or eutony.

Mellifluous (adj.)

Pronunciation: muh-li-floo-uhs

Origin: Latin

Definition: A sound that’s pleasing and sweet to hear

Retrouvailles (n.)

Pronunciation: ruh-troov-eye

Origin: French

Definition: The happiness of meeting again after a long time

Sirimiri (n.)

Pronunciation: si-ri-mi-ri

Origin: Spanish

Definition: A light rain; A fine drizzle; Stronger than mist but less than a shower

Petrichor (n.)

Pronunciation: PET-ri-kuhr

Origin: Greek

Definition: The mild and pleasant smell or scent of earth associated with the first rain after a dry spell

Morii (n.)

Pronunciation: mor-ee

Origin: Coined by John Koenig in “The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows”

Definition: The desire to capture a fleeting moment

Resfeber (n.)

Pronunciation: RACE-fay-ber

Origin: Swedish

Definition: The restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; A travel fever that can manifest as an illness

Nefelibata (n.)

Pronunciation: ne-fe-lE-‘ba-ta

Origin: Portuguese

Definition: Literally translates to “cloud-walker”; Colloquially “daydreamer”; One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams; One who does not obey the conventions of society, literature, or art.

Heliophilia (n.)

Pronunciation: hE-lE-O-‘fil-E-a

Origin: English

Definition: Desire to stay in the sun; Love of sunlight

Shinrin-yoku (n.)

Pronunciation: shindin-yoku

Origin: Japanese

Definition: The practice of going deep into the woods for its restorative benefits; The Japanese way of forest bathing as nature therapy for peace of mind, restful sleep, and physical health

Rasāsvāda (n.)

Pronunciation: ra-sas-vah-da

Origin: Sanskrit

Definition: Literally translates to appreciating the taste and flavor of juice; Perception of pleasure; The taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts

Dive into Anjali Chawla’s full list of 100+ Beautiful Words in Different Languages on her wonderful Travel Melodies website.

Photo depicting Shinrin-yoku by Luis del Río from Pexels

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